Release Notes
Changes in 0.7.5
further salmonid name fix
Changes in 0.7.4
fix problem with salmonid names, e.g. TRB3V
Changes in 0.7.3
fix crash in
Changes in 0.7.2
digger will default to using the starting set of reference genes for comparison, if no sets are specified with -ref_comp.
Changes in 0.7.1
digger will now copy reference set files to the work directory if necessary, as blast’s makedb requires the files to be local.
digger can now handle multiple sequences (e.g. contigs) in the assembly file.
Changes in 0.7.0
modify motif handling to allow multiple motifs in those cases where the length can be variable
add variable length motifs for l-part1 and l-part2
motifs are now based on the analysis in tests/utr
add identification of TATA_BOX and OCTAMER in promoter regions
Changes in 0.6.9
bump dependency on receptor-utils to fix an issue with naming of D novel alleles
Changes in 0.6.8
improve documentation, add additional examples in tests, add Dockerised version
include TRG motif files in the package
Changes in 0.6.7
include motif files for TRG
Changes in 0.6.7
better error handling and explanation in parse_imgt_annotations
Docker image added
Changes in 0.6.6
fix crash in dig_sequence if annotating V-gene without specifying a gapped reference file
update the package to include missing motif files
Changes in 0.6.4
fix issue in dig_sequence
Changes in 0.6.3:
add support for multiple definitions of the J motif for a locus
move J-TRP and other motif definitions to a file in the motifs directory
Changes in 0.6.2:
require the user to supply an email address for requests to GenBank.
Changes in 0.6.1:
bump required version of receptor-utils
Changes in 0.6.0:
added support for TRA, TRB, TRD, TRG and test cases and motifs for human TR loci
Changes in v 0.5.10:
fixed unintended breakpoint in find_alignments which could fire under some circumstances
Changes in v 0.5.9:
fixed erroneous reporting of leader1 sequence and co-ordinates when leader1 was not included in the query sequence
Changes in v 0.5.8:
fixed various issues with end effects leading to the reporting of negative coordinates
fixed an issue with targeted annotation which caused negative sense not to be properly reported
changed IMGT urls to use https as http is no longer utilised
Changes in v 0.5.7:
modified reporting of nt_diff so that it reports the number of nt differences between the query and the reference, including any length differences.
updated the code to use Bio.Align rather than Bio.pairwise2, which is deprecated.
Changes in v 0.5.6:
compatibility update for receptor_utils 0.0.40
Changes in v 0.5.5:
speed optimisation for dig_sequence
allow find_alignments to be called without a -ref parameter
Changes in V 0.5.4:
Minor fixes to handling of non-functional sequences
Changes in V 0.5.3:
Fixes to annotation in reverse-sense: false positives were not being filtered correctly
Changes in V 0.5.2:
Added dig_sequence command, which allows a sequence stored locally or in Genbank to be searched for a specific allele. The closest match will be annotated.
Changes in V 0.5.1:
Refactored elements of the code to make it more modular and easier to maintain.
Version 0.5: April 2023
First public version.