Targeted Annotation

In the examples covered so far, digger has been used to identify as many receptor genes as possible, using wide-ranging BLAST searches. A companion tool, dig_sequence, can be used to identify and annotate the closest match to a single specified sequence.

As an example of its use, an online BLAST search identifies a 100% sequence match to the human receptor gene IGHV1-18*04 at Genbank accession number KC713938. This can be annotated by the dig_sequence single command:

>dig_sequence single -align Homo_sapiens_IGHV_gapped.fasta -species human IGHV1-18*01 Homo_sapiens_IGHV.fasta KC713938
Using motif files from C:\Users\William\miniconda3\envs\digby_genomics310\lib\site-packages\digger\motifs\human\IGH
target_allele: IGHV1-18*01
genbank_acc: KC713938
genbank_seq: length: 935nt
alignment_score: 99.7
nt_diff: 1
snps: _t111c
start: 392
end: 687
sense: +
functional: Functional
v_heptamer: CACAGTG
v_nonamer: TCAGAAACC

The command takes as arguments the id of the target sequence to search for (in this case IGHV1-18*01), the fasta file in which the sequence can be found, and the Genbank ID to search. Optional arguments include the species (otherwise human is assumed) and a file of gapped reference sequences, which is used as a guide to gap V sequences. If an output file is specified with the -out_file argument, the output is written there in CSV format, with information matching that provided by digger. Otherwise a summary is provided to standard output.

The command searches the specified Genbank accession for the closest match to the target sequenece (in this case differing by a single nucleotide), and returns annotation details. These will include regulatory regions where they are available. Only a single closest-match sequence is annotated.

Variants of dig_sequence allow the sequence to be specified directly rather than by Genbank accession number, and allow multiple searches to be specified in a csv file.